Feathering the Empty Nest | a new chapter
Homeowners reused their desk in a small bedroom as a bedside table.
Barbara and Ted carefully planned their move to a retirement community. Over the past 2 years, they systematically offered their 3 children furnishings from their house full of antique chests, beds, and carpets. They were keeping their vacation home on Cape Cod. After spending months in preparation the move was approaching.
Easy enough to cull through furnishings, less easy to sort out the book collection, photos, artwork, memorabilia and accessories gathered over a lifetime. Ted was determined to keep his golf club membership and his boat; Barbara insisted she will remain in the local book and garden clubs.
It has been called downsizing, which could apply to any individual or family deciding to live in more compact quarters. The fact remains: we fill the space we have. This is particularly relevant to families with grown children, such children having moved on, or partially moved out, leaving the family abode with remnants of the children and lifestyle that are no longer necessary. Some realize that the old manner of living is burden some, not suitable, or are merely ready for a revolutionary change.
A most important question: how do we want to live this next chapter?
This is an opportunity to transform one’s style, habits, friend and social life. To decide to be free of day-to-day house routines and responsibilities.
Create an image of the new lifestyle, and then add the décor, furnishings and accessories….rather than cramming the old into the new.
We have worked with a variety of ages and circumstances, Young families designing a lifestyle at odds with their youth; from couples in their 50s seeking a new lifestyle – to 80 year olds wishing to have easy access to the important things: friends, exercise and freedom to travel.
How can the design professional help?
First the thinking takes time…
There is a lot of back and forth
You CAN change your mind.